Forum Discussion

DenisRochat's avatar
Qrew Trainee
2 years ago

Using "and" in If(

This is probably super elementary, but can someone help me make this work - please? Formula is in a Numeric field.

Denis Rochat

1 Reply

  • Its simpler syntax ...

    just one IF


    [ship density]<1, 400,

    [ship density]<2, 300,

    ship density], <4, 250  etc

    The conditions get evaluated from top to bottom in sequence and will grab the first result which is true. So you don't really need to have each subsequent condition eliminate the previous ones above.

    But if you did want the extra "wordiness" just for your own readability or understanding it would look like this


    [ship density]<1, 400,

    [ship density]>=1 and [ship density] < 2, 300,

    [ship density]>=2 and [ship density] < 4, 250 ... etc ,


    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)