Forum Discussion

JonathanRobert1's avatar
Qrew Member
7 years ago

Using copy master details, can I choose what descendants get copied?

The option in the wizard is for all details of details but i would like to exclude one of those descendants but not the others. Is this possible? I am using this as a template function but I don't want to copy records like related time entries.


3 Replies

  • My only thought when I read the question was if there can there be a webhook or a button to delete those time entries.  ie i agree that there is not a way to prevent them from being created, but maybe they can be quickly deleted.

    The Webhook could fire when a record was created and the name of the Parent starts with "Copy of", because Quick Base always renames that designated field to be called Copy of ....  or else you make a button that is displayed to the user when the Parent is named "Copy of ..."  and ghere are still Time Card Entries and have that button be a URL formula to delete those Time Entries.
    • MichaelBarrow's avatar
      Qrew Cadet
      Yes, I agree. That was also my thought. Create them all and then the webhook prunes what's not wanted. The big challenge is with adjusting the predecessor logic when any predecessors are deleted because you have to see what their predecessors are and then update subsequent dependencies accordingly. Unless it's a brain-dead simple pruning, probably need to harness script to get it done right.