7 years agoQrew Trainee
Using IF to test multiple conditions
I am building a scorecard where if the value of a field changes to "N/A", I need the total to be divided by a different value (ie: total value - value of field that is set to "N/A"). However, I need the formula to first check if ANY of these 7 fields has a value of N/A, then subtract the values of any fields where the condition is true, and divide the sum of the remaining values by this new "total". If none of the fields has a value of "N/A").
I have set up the fields and form this way:
I have set up the fields and form this way:
- Multiple choice text field to check for Condition, and associated fields for Value of Condition (If or Case formula, depending on # of conditions - Y/N, or Y/N/N/A)
- A "Subtotal" for groups of Values
- A Total of all Subtotals
- Missing: A % Total as described above