Forum Discussion

AndrewWilber's avatar
Qrew Trainee
5 years ago

Using Sharepoint for file storage within Quickbase

Hello I currently have a Sharepoint site that my team leverages for file storage.  I was thinking I wanted to build a Quickbase app that would serve as our tracker...but I didn't want to store some of our more sensitive data on Quickbase servers and instead host in our work Sharepoint site (IT controlled).  Is there a way to link out to a sharepoint for documents in Quickbase?

2 Replies

  • Hi Andrew,

    One option is to use a URL type field to hold the URL of the Sharepoint link and then that way the documents would still be hosted in Sharepoint but anyone with sharepoint permissions can click on that link and be taken to the document. They would just need to copy over the URL of the sharepoint doc over into the URL type field. I hope that information is helpful. 
  • Hi Andrew, can you try something like: https://{server}/{site}/.../{Folder}/[Record ID#] as a Formula - URL field?

    My team has built custom QB connectors for similar external file storage.  This includes using a formula link to store to a directory based on the record ID.  The only thing I'm not sure about is if Sharepoint will handle the directory gracefully if it doesn't exist.

    Please feel free to reach out if you need help with developing a custom connector.  Cheers, Imran

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