Forum Discussion

JonathanHeuer's avatar
Qrew Cadet
4 years ago

Using the result of one report formula in another

I'm trying see how we're doing in customer acquisition costs. I have a summary report which tabulates the cost of each lead:

The Converted Leads column is a report formula (formula-checkbox where Status field = "Converted"). I'd like to add 2 more columns:
  • Cost per Conversion. For a given month, this would equal the number of conversions divided by the total cost (so, the 2nd column/1st column).
  • Conversion Percentage. For a given month, this would equal the number of conversions divided by the total number of leads (so, 2nd column/3rd column)
It seems like I'd need to use the results of one report formula (Converted Leads) in 2 others, but I don't see that as an option when I try to configure the report. How to do this?

Jonathan Heuer
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