6 years agoQrew Trainee
Using Variables in Formulas
Hello all, I'm trying to create a formula checkbox to check off between two hardcoded dates/times each month. My current formula looks like this: var DateTime FebPRStart = DateTime(02-01-2020 ...
- 6 years agoWithout testing it I believe this one should work. It was missing some parenthesis in a few spots. A misspelled word and also using Today at the end instead of Now. This might work, if not post back.
This is just what Mark posted with those things adjusted.
var DateTime FebPRStart = ToTimeStamp(ToDate("02-01-2020"), ToTimeOfDay("12:00 AM"));
var DateTime FebPREnd = ToTimeStamp(ToDate("02-15-2020"), ToTimeOfDay("11:59 PM"));
var Bool FebCalc = Now() >= $FebPRStart and Now() <= $FebPREnd;