Forum Discussion

MichaelTamoush's avatar
Qrew Captain
4 years ago

Utilizing a second form - options

I'm just wondering if anyone has any better/more creative thoughts for a scenario I am implementing.

I have many projects, and each project will get a safety audit. This will be a short series of questions, with an approval field (probably a logged multiple choice). Pretty straightforward. I may end up just making a new tab for this however, I am considering making it on a new form. Then making a button that says 'Safety Audit', that simply links to the new form.

The issue: If I use this new form idea, once in the new form, if they hit the 'edit' button, it simply puts you in the default form for edit mode. Is there a way to address this? My only idea is to either launch them directly into edit mode initially (in which case you can never view the form), or, put another button on the new form that is 'Edit This Form'.

More clever ideas? I might end up with a new tab....

Mike Tamoush

2 Replies

  • You could create your safety audit form as another table and either relate it to your project table OR have a parallel set of fields in both tables and when an audit is completed (in your audits table), trigger a pipeline to push those values into your projects table.

    Charlie Murawski
  • Another thing you should consider when comparing adding a component onto an existing table, or adding a related table (other than the complexity you are describing with form behavior) is that you are extending all previous records created by the number of fields you are adding to the table (each field takes up space in the database whether or not it holds a value). If some records get a safety audit and others don't get a safety audit, it is inefficient to have the "Safety Audit" component be a part of the same object.

    Justin Torrence
    Quickbase Expert, Jaybird Technologies