Forum Discussion
Qrew Legend
3 years agoI think you need to add on an extra day if the last day is not on a weekend.
WeekdaySub([Pay Period End Date],[Pay Period Start Date])
DayOfWeek([Pay Period End Date])<>0
DayOfWeek([Pay Period End Date])<>6, 1,0)
Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
WeekdaySub([Pay Period End Date],[Pay Period Start Date])
DayOfWeek([Pay Period End Date])<>0
DayOfWeek([Pay Period End Date])<>6, 1,0)
Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
- MikeTamoush3 years agoQrew CommanderMark,
I believe the issue is when it ends on a Weekday, we are one day short. If it ends on a weekend, we are good.
Saturday to 2 weeks forward saturday should yield a result of ten: M T W TH F M T W TH F = 10
But Wed 2 weeks forward to the next Wednesday should yield 11, because you are counting both Wednesdays: W TH F M T W TH F M T W = 11
With your formula, I think you want to add an extra day if the final day is a weekday....correct?
I think my formula will also accomplish this? I don't have time to test. Based on history, I expect you to be right but I am hoping maybe this once I am?! :)
Mike Tamoush
------------------------------- MarkShnier__You3 years ago
Qrew Legend
I think my formula is correct but my words were wrong. I have edited my words to say this.
I think you need to add on an extra day if the last day is not on a weekend.
Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
------------------------------- SindyHanner3 years agoQrew Member
I have static dates for the most part. Always 1-15 or 16-last day of the month. I don't know if that will make a difference. The +Days(1) worked for the September example but depending on the day of the week that the last day of the pay period falls will be a moving target.
Sindy Hanner
Sr NOC Operations Support Specialist
Network Operations Control
(469) 603-0939