Forum Discussion

7 Replies

  • MCFNeil's avatar
    Qrew Captain
    I've seen over 10M, but it really depends on the amount of fields and data types you are capturing with each of those records.  
    More fields = more data (even if those fields are empty). 

    It more of a size thing, and really it just affect performance and cost the bigger they get.
  • If you tell us about how many records and how many fields we can comment if you are still in the sweet spot for Quick Base.
  • Fields = 77

    Records 619,759

    Table shows size as 269 MB

    I actually figured why records wouldn't load but due the size the table is getting, I would still like to know when I might need to split records or fields off into another table.  Thank you.

  • So y�u are at about 50% full. The limit is 500 MB per table. App settings, app management, show statistics tells you the % by table.

    There is no limit to the number of records, it�s a space limit or the start of performance issues that is your limit.
  • Fields = 77

    Records 619,759

    The table shows size as 269 MB

    I actually figured why records wouldn't load but due to the size the table is getting, I would still like to know when I might need to split records or fields off into another table.