Forum Discussion

BrittanyScheid's avatar
Qrew Cadet
7 months ago

Project Intake Form

Hi everyone!

bsimon_personalsuggested I post this question here, so I'm hoping someone has something they use!
Does anyone have an app that they use for the project intake process? We're trying to develop a way to better capture requests for new solutions (both QB and non) and ask all the right questions up front so we have a better idea of what we're getting into, weighing out the costs, etc., before we just start doing a full discovery and building. We've noticed a tendency of running with ideas without first really weighing out the costs and seeing what software/solutions already exist that could be used, and we're trying to rein it all in. I'm thinking a form that asks things like the below and then enables us to do follow up, create estimates, etc. Thanks!

  1. What is the problem you are trying to solve for?
  2. What solutions have you explored?
  3. What other systems are used for the process where integration may be needed? How frequently would those integrations/syncs need to happen?
  4. Who are the stakeholders?
  5. How many users will need access?
  6. Who will support the solution?
  7. Have you budgeted for this/what is your budget?