ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsHow to freeze first column of the report Hi All, Please can you advise how to freeze the first column of the report in Quickbase, so when scrolling to the right we still can see the location name? Thank you. ------------------------------ Iryna Pylypenko ------------------------------ Not able to change the scale for 0 to 5 Hi All, Please can you confirm if there is a possibility to change the scale for 0 to 5 instead of having it from 1 to 6? Thank you. ------------------------------ Iryna Pylypenko ------------------------------ Account slug location Dear Team, May I please ask you where I can locate the account slug, so I can use it for the Pipelines? Thank you. ------------------------------ Iryna Pylypenko ------------------------------ Re: Pipelines issueHi, Of course, the file is attached. We have also raised this issue some time ago with the QB Team. The ticket number is 696533. Thank you. ------------------------------ Iryna Pylypenko ------------------------------ Pipelines issueHi All, We have migrated the Pipelines and with a few of them we are constantly having an issue. Thus, we are not able to edit a few Pipelines whenever we are trying to edit it or even when we are trying to create a new one and selecting the table for Projects, an error appears. Please can you suggest how this issue can be corrected/checked? Thank you. ------------------------------ Iryna Pylypenko ------------------------------ Billable step runs remainingDear All, Please can you suggest what is the best way to check by whom the Billable steps have been used? Thank you. Iryna ------------------------------ Iryna Pylypenko ------------------------------ QB OptimizationHi All, May I please ask where I can get more information on the recent QB optimization before running the performance optimizer, in non-simulation mode? Just want to make sure that there will be no unnecessary changes made. Thank you. ------------------------------ Iryna Pylypenko ------------------------------ Record ID key fieldHi All, Please can you confirm if after changing the Record ID (which is also a key field) name for a different name there will be no impact on the formulas and relationship? Thank you. ------------------------------ Iryna Pylypenko ------------------------------ email notification is received approved by emptyHi All, I have received a notification "...approved by empty", even the person who provided his approval is a registered user and has inputted his name in the approval field, the same way it was done by the previous user. Anyone has similar situation? Is it probably connected with the User settings? Thank you. Iryna ------------------------------ Iryna Pylypenko ------------------------------