Forum Discussion

ArchiveUser's avatar
Qrew Captain
7 years ago

Auto populate dates

I hope to add two fields to my project information, 
"Start Date", equals to Task 1, "Receive Request",  start day, 
"End Date", equals to Task 10, "Send to Client", completed day. 

I set the filed as formula type, but can't find how to link with Task table. Could you give some suggestions? Sorry if I ask the dummy question. Still trying to learn it. Thanks. 

2 Replies

  • MCFNeil's avatar
    Qrew Captain
    You will want to make a Summary field in the relationship to summarize the Max date where task # = 1, and the max date when task # =10.  

    That will give you a good starting point to get used to how to add summaries to date fields.
  • Thank you Matthew. 

    It really helps. I create the summary field. It works! Thank you!