Waze Button
I have 2 buttons, 1 is to open google maps and the directions to the address, the other is for Waze to do the same thing. The google maps one works PERFECTLY, but the waze button only opens the app, it does not open the destination and route, etc. Here's what I'm using for google maps which is working perfectly... "http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q="&URLEncode([Address]) and what I'm using for Waze which is only opening the app.... "https://www.waze.com/live-map?utm_source=waze_website&utm_campaign=waze_website&utm_medium=website_menu"&URLEncode([Address]) Hoping somebody might know! ------------------------------ Michael Brumfield ------------------------------2Views0likes2CommentsHelp needed with first button attempt
As stated before, I just started working in Quick Base and I'm having trouble with my first attempt at a button. The label is showing, but not as a button. I am trying to check an checkbox and update a status field when the button is pressed. The conditions in the if statement are validating the form data to ensure that at least one service is on the order, that all of the subscribed services are verified and that there are no reported issues. I am guessing there are multiple issues, please be kind. var text URLAPPROVE = URLRoot() & "db/" & Dbid() & "?a=API_EditRecord" & "&rid=" & [Record ID#] & "&_fid_274=1"; var text URLCOMPLETE = URLRoot() & "db/" & Dbid() & "?a=API_EditRecord" & "&rid=" & [Record ID#] & "&_fid_18=Completed"; var text URLCOMPLETEISSUES = URLRoot() & "db/" & Dbid() & "?a=API_EditRecord" & "&rid=" & [Record ID#] & "&_fid_18=Completed With Issues"; If([Has Service] and [Is Verified] and [NoIssues],$URLAPPROVE & URLEncode($URLCOMPLETE) & Rurl(), If([Has Service] and [Is Verified] and not [NoIssues], $URLAPPROVE & URLEncode($URLCOMPLETEISSUES) & Rurl())) I would also like to know how to include the code below to return to the previous location after the button is pressed: "javascript:" & "$.get('" & $url & "', function(){" & "location.reload();" & "});" & "void(0);" ------------------------------ Paul Peterson ------------------------------1View0likes0CommentsURL Formula to open a form in a different app
I am trying to create a button in a one app that will open a form in a different app and return me to the original app when complete. The form is intended to create a new record in the app where the form is located. At the moment I have URLRoot() & "db/" & [bqdfx9d5f] & "?a=API_GenAddRecordForm$_fid_2=" & URLEncode([Project Number]) & "&z=" &Rurl() bqdfx9d5f was the table dbid from the app information. This is my first attempt at a URL formula and the more challenging of the formulas on my todo list for today. The other URL formulas are staying in the same app. ------------------------------ Paul Peterson ------------------------------3Views0likes0CommentsHow to Add Many Records in seperate table from a form URL Formula button
I am looking to create a formula URL button that creates multiple tasks associated with a single project. Each task is unique with a different task name BUT it does follow a template so all tasks are the same for each project at project creation. I have a successful formula to make a single task related to the parent record in the task table but I want to have a button that creates multiple tasks as I set them up based on the template all related to the same project. I believe I have to use the var text URLONE = ( approach but I don't know how to tie them together and have the page redirect back to the original page. Working Code for Single Task Creation: URLRoot() & "db/" & [_DBID_XXXX] &"?a=API_AddRecord&_fid_48="& URLEncode ([Project]) & "&_fid_23="&URLEncode ("Custom Title") & "&_fid_6= "&URLEncode ("Template Text") & "&_fid_16="&URLEncode ("Template Text") & "&_fid_67="&URLEncode (ToText("User Email"))& "&_fid_13="&URLEncode ("Template Text")) & "&rdr=" & URLEncode(URLRoot() & "db/" & Dbid() & "?a=dr&rid=" & [Project]) How do I make a single click create up to 13 tasks with different default assignments and text? ------------------------------ Joshua Case ------------------------------2Views0likes0CommentsHelp with Magic Button App - FID_200 - Press to Adjust %
So I am attempting to use the Rich Text formula field to allow a user to adjust the number of greenboxes selected to adjust a percentage field in my own app. I got the field to look correctly and copied the code and adjusted to my Percentage field ID but when I click to change the number of boxes filled with green nothing changes on reload. Any ideas? Am I missing something? I copied the code exactly and adjusted to my token and the correct FID for the %. ------------------------------ Joshua Case ------------------------------3Views0likes1CommentButton that can change a field and then go to edit mode
I have a declined button where when you press it the status will be set to declined. However, I put in a rule where a status cant be declined without a decline reason. Currently, when the button is pressed it bypasses my rule. Is there any way I can make my button change the status to declined and then go to edit mode, so I can choose a decline reason? ------------------------------ Endy Lu ------------------------------3Views0likes2Comments