GANTT Template App - Issue Seeing Field Properties
Good morning everyone. I've been having an issue with seeing field properties in the GANTT Template App in the Quickbase Exchange. I'm trying to replicate fields and it's just being a pain because I can't see certain properties. I've run into this with many fields. I've had situations where it doesn't show the formulas for formula fields. I've tested before and after installing the plugin in the template app. I've redownloaded the template app. It's frustrating not having full control over an app in my realm. I'm a realm admin. I have the top permissions in the template app. Any ideas? GANTT Template App Projects Notes: My app Projects Notes: ------------------------------ Dwight Munson ------------------------------24Views1like3CommentsJanuary 2023 Quickbase Gantt Plugin - Working with Existing Project Apps
Looking for ideas/help on making the following happen and have tried a few things that didn't work including actions. It seems that pipelines might be flexible enough to do this, although I just don't know enough to figure out how to setup pipelines. I'll also reference a recent discussion topic which is about the same topic I'm posting on, i.e., how to use the January 2023 Quickbase Gantt plugin with a pre-existing project management/tracking app, see: January 2023 Quickbase Gantt Plugin - automatic table setup | Quick Base Announcements Their question was about how to create the tables IN their original project app -- I don't want to do that because of the resultant complexity. Here's what I'd like to do. Given that the GANTT Template App using the Gantt plugin works great when you don't mess with tables, etc., I was trying to figure out a way to link an existing project tracking app table, i.e., an app with a table called "Projects" with a field named "Project Title" TO a successfully setup, and un-populated, Project Template App so that a project record in the original table would be "linked" through URLs and record ID's with a Gantt chart in the Gantt chart template app. What I envisioned was -- in my existing tracking app -- having a "button" that you would press, or link that you would click on, that would 1) bring you to the Gantt template app, and 2) create a new project record there with a corresponding Gantt chart. It would copy over some core information from the original app, such at Project Title, perhaps client, and maybe a few other project pieces of data. After editing / creating activities, dates, etc. in the Gantt and saving it, you could click on a link or button -- that was created or brought over from the original project entry -- to take you back to the original project entry. Key here is that not all projects that we track in the original project app need Gantt charts -- some are very simple projects. We'd probably only want/need/use Gantt charts for maybe 10-20% of projects. I'm envisioning links or buttons that would bring you back and forth between the two apps -- and the two project records -- so that users (with the right permissions) could view and update Gantt charts when one is needed for a project. So for the user it would be relatively seamless. Any thoughts on how to execute such a seamless, user-friendly linkage creation and navigation between two apps/tables? Thanks in advance. ------------------------------ Jack Garvey ------------------------------29Views0likes5CommentsGantt Plugin - Calendar Date Format
Hi everyone, I'm having fun incorporating the Gantt Plugin into an existing app however have a question around the date formatting. Does anyone know if there is a way to show Monday as the first day of the week in the date picker instead of Sunday and also whether the date can be formatted as DD/MM/YYYY instead of MM/DD/YYYY. This is confusing for us poor NZers who are not used to this format! ------------------------------ Elise Salt ------------------------------18Views0likes1Comment