Drop down list blank
I am developing a home page, one of fields is having drop down list with a specified list of values. When we go to edit page to feed values for this field we are seeing an extra blank option in the list. I need to have just the options i have specified in the list and get rid of this blank space there as an option. I verified and removed any blank space or extra new line in my list, but it gives still the same. Can someone please help me - how to remove these blank space. ------------------------------ Rishabh Narula ------------------------------85Views0likes6CommentsCounting log edits in a text field
I have a multi-line text field named [Client's referrals] that logs the edits to the field with Date, time and user. We keep track of the people a client has referred to us. I would like to know how many people a client referred to us each month. Is there a way I can count each edit and catch the date? Thanks! Consuelo ------------------------------ Consuelo Viramonte ------------------------------42Views0likes1CommentNeed guidance on setting up lookups and reports with a many-to-many setup
I have the following many-to-many scenario: an event can have multiple participants and a participant can have many events. I set up three tables: 1. Participants 2. Events 3. Participant-Event Join 1 and 2 each have a one to many relationship with 3. I have another tables for Requests. I need to be able to select multiple participants on the request form and have certain fields from the participants table displayed in an embedded report on the Request form. I also want to display all events a participant has participated in on the participant form and all participants who participated in an event on the event form. How do I go about doing this? Do I need to add a one to many relation ship between the Requests table and the Join table? E.g. have the join table join three other tables? ------------------------------ Paul EASTON ------------------------------17Views0likes1CommentSnapshot for a look-up field?
Hello, I have a table that contains my sales reps and their commission plans. Whenever I generate a project in my projects table, it links the sales reps' commission percentage to each project. I have a 3rd table (Costs) that calculates fixed costs on projects and calculates commissions related to this information. The look-up numeric field pulls the commission amount from the projects table. I'm trying to make the look-up field in Costs for the commission percentage be a snapshot, as contracts and commissions change, i can't have it affect older projects that were created during a different contract value. Whenever I change the field to a look-up field, the snapshot option disappears. Can someone help me with this? Thank You So Much ------------------------------ Anthony Wong ------------------------------44Views0likes1CommentAutofilling fields when adding a Child Record after generating a Temporary Report
Hi, I'm back at this Quickbase still in the hopes of convincing my organization we should go with this. Now I have a minor annoyance that seems like it should really be fixable but I'm not sure. I really want my users to view the Location table and from the appropriate record, click View Clients, then search for a Client, and if not present, add that Client (duplicates may cause many problems!). When the user clicks "View Clients..." this produces a temporary report, where the "Related Location is #" On that page, if the client doesn't exist, the user will click the "+New Client" This is where the minor annoyance comes in. In the new record form for adding the client, the user now has to specify the parent record from Location even though they just left a page where the location was specified. Is there a way to automatically fill that field based on the fact the user just left a page where the related parent record was already specified? Also, for many users, there is only going to be one choice for Location anyway, which makes it also a minor annoyance to not have the field automatically populate with the only choice available. Any methods to reduce this annoyance? Thanks Dave ------------------------------ David Halter ------------------------------31Views0likes1CommentUsing "hidden" fields in dynamic form rules
I have a Request form that I need to validate the date and time for the date the service is requested. I created formula fields to use in the dynamic form rules, but I do not want these fields to be displayed on the form. If I don't include them on the form, the dynamic forms rules don't work. I tried including them, but for edit only and that did not work either. I tried putting the formula fields in a separate section and used a dynamic form rule to hide the section and that also caused the date test dynamic rules to fail. I have a test form with the fields displayed and the rules work perfectly. How can you configure the form so that the fields are not displayed, but they are available to the dynamic form rules? (without using javascript because that is above my skill set.) Thanks in advance for any help! ------------------------------ Julie Meeker ------------------------------91Views0likes4CommentsInternational Phone Number
I tried to switch the phone number field to International Phone number. But, now all the US numbers that are in the system show up without any parenthesis or dashes. They just show up as 10 numbers all in a row. But, in edit mode, it shows up with the parenthesis and dashes. Is there are a way to make US numbers appear (xxx) xxx-xxxx when using the new International field? Or, do I need to download all the numbers, add a +1 to them, then upload them to make them appear correct? ------------------------------ Seaira Jeannin ------------------------------7Views0likes0CommentsColumn Header in Table
Hi All I have the name of a field in a database file like this: GEO_Continente_Sigla When QuickTable creates the management forms of this file, the column header of the table shows exactly the name of the field, that is GEO_Continente_Sigla Instead, I want the column name to be just "Initials". Is it possible to change the header of the table column without changing the name of the field on the database? ------------------------------ Adriano Visconti ------------------------------29Views0likes1Comment