Forum Discussion

JulieMeeker's avatar
Qrew Cadet
4 years ago

Using "hidden" fields in dynamic form rules

I have a Request form that I need to validate the date and time for the date the service is requested.  I created formula fields to use in the dynamic form rules, but I do not want these fields to be displayed on the form. If I don't include them on the form, the dynamic forms rules don't work.  I tried including them, but for edit only and that did not work either.  I tried putting the formula fields in a separate section and used a dynamic form rule to hide the section and that also caused the date test dynamic rules to fail. 

I have a test form with the fields displayed and the rules work perfectly.  

How can you configure the form so that the fields are not displayed, but they are available to the dynamic form rules? (without using javascript because that is above my skill set.)

Thanks in advance for any help!

Julie Meeker
  • That is certainly strange.  I routinely set up a section called Required for form rules and CDD (Conditional Drop Down) and dump fields in there and hide the section with a Form Rule.

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    • JulieMeeker's avatar
      Qrew Cadet
      What do you mean by Conditional Drop Down?  I have attached a print screen of the form elements and rules.  I don't even get past the first rule.  Basically that rule is to not allow a request for today.

      Julie Meeker
      • DonLarson's avatar
        Qrew Elite

        Your form rule

        To Date Action       is equal to       To Date Created

        Is not going to work if the Record has not been saved once.  The Date Created field in Quickbase is blank until it has been saved.   After that it is fixed forever and you cannot change it.

        Are you trying to prevent the user from creating a record where the [To Date Action] is today?

        If so you can create a formula date field FauxCreateDate = Today() and use that in Form Rule 1 on a Add Form.   You do not want that rule on a form where the User is editing an existing record.

        Don Larson