Forum Discussion

Re: API Edit Record, Mailto, and a rdr or nexturl?

Gotta post that working code bro!  :)

Meredith Moore

4 Replies

  • IvanWeiss's avatar
    Qrew Captain
    That will cost you!

    var text baseurl = URLRoot() & "db/"& Dbid();
    var text purchTbl = $baseurl & [_DBID_PURCHASE_ORDERS];
    var text editRecord = "?a=API_EditRecord&apptoken=" & [EliteApptoken] & "&rid=" & [Record ID#];
    var text LABEL = "Executive Approval";
    var text decoration = "text-decoration: none;";
    var text bgColor = "background: #0044cc;";
    var text txtColor = "color: white;";
    var text txtAlign = "text-align: center;";
    var text txtShadow = "text-shadow: none;";
    var text border = "border-radius: 5px;";
    var text padding = "padding: 8px 20px;";
    var text display = "display: inline-block;";
    var text font = "font: normal 700 24px/1 'Calibri', sans-serif;";
    var text styleOptns = List("", $decoration, $bgColor, $txtColor, $txtAlign, $txtShadow, $border, $padding, $display, $font);
    var text mailto = "mailto:" & [Manufacturer - PO Submission Email] &
    If([CC PO Submission Email] != "", "?cc=" & [CC PO Submission Email],"") &
    "?subject=Purchase Order&body=Please review the attached Purchase Order and confirm receipt.";

    If([Old PO], "",
    If(IsNull([Executive Review On]) and IsNull([Project Review On]),
    "<span style= 'font-family:Calibri;color:#57a3f0;font-size:14px'><Strong>Requires Executive Approval</Strong><br /></span>",
    "<div><a target='_blank' style='" & $styleOptns & "' class='Vibrant' href='"
    & $baseURL & $editRecord &
    "&_fid_40=" & Today() & "&rdr=" &
    URLEncode($mailto) &
    //URLEncode("&rdr=" &
    //URLEncode(URLRoot() & "db/" & Dbid() & "?a=dr&rid=" & [Record ID#]) &
    "'>Submit PO</a></div>"))//)

    Ivan Weiss
    • FraidyJacoby's avatar
      Qrew Trainee

      Hi Ivan,

      I'm currently looking to achieve the same goal as you. When the button is pressed:
      1. Edit the current record and update a certain field with the current date
      2. Open the Send to Outlook feature in outlook
      3. Return the user back to the record after the change in #1

      I was not able to decipher which part of your code gets the user back to the record they were on. Can you please help me understand your code so I can replicate it and get it working on my end?

      Thank you for your time.

      Fraidy Jacoby
      • IvanWeiss's avatar
        Qrew Captain
        To make this easier to work with all of the early on code is just setting the variables with portions of the button functionality and styling so that later on I can make its such simpler.  This is the section of code that actually executes the work.  It obviously references those variables earlier on.

        & $baseURL & $editRecord &
        "&_fid_40=" & Today() & "&rdr=" &
        URLEncode($mailto) &
        //URLEncode("&rdr=" &
        //URLEncode(URLRoot() & "db/" & Dbid() & "?a=dr&rid=" & [Record ID#]) &
        "'>Submit PO</a></div>"))//)

        To try to step through it:

        The baseURL is my app URL
        Edit Records performs the edit
        It processes the mailto.

        I honestly do not remember why I commented out those two bottom sections (shame on me for not documenting where I left off).  I think the button just stays on the current record so I never got it working with a refresh.

        Ivan Weiss