Forum Discussion

Re: Kanban Column Limit

Any update on the next release for kanban? I need much more than 10 options and it would be nice to being able to have them all in different layouts so it does not require much scrolling but still even with scrolling is better than putting this limitation on the platform.


2 Replies

  • SiniWickramasin's avatar
    Qrew Cadet
    Hi Evan,

    It would be great to have a higher limit than just 10. I know its a slightly older discussion, but this feature can certainly help users to extend the use of Kanban reports beyond the normal project management space.

    Really looking forward to seeing some changes happening soon.

    Thank you for your hard work so far!

    Sini Wickramasinghe
    • EvanMartinez's avatar
      Qrew Elite
      Hi Sini,

      That is a request that we have had for expanding how much can display on a Kanban report. We actually have a User Voice request in where we are collecting customer interest you can find here:

      I would suggest adding your vote as well, it never hurts to get more support behind an idea.

      Evan Martinez
      Community Marketing Manager
      Quick Base