Forum Discussion

Re: Rich Text Field Button Not Working on Mobile

Since it's working for me, I assume you have syntax errors and I noticed a few errors. Check your code thoroughly and it should start displaying correctly. 

border:1px solid green;border-radius: 0'" & "href='" & $URLSEVEN ​

missing closing semicolon on the inline styles

'border-radius: 0;'

Everett Patterson

10 Replies

  • IvanWeiss's avatar
    Qrew Captain
    I fixed that but it still does not work.  This is not my expertise here as I found some tutorials and am stretching the limits of my skill for sure :)  But I cant see to figure it out.  On the phone it doesnt work at all.  In developer tools it works when I first browse it, if I click on a button and refresh the page it no longer works.

    Ivan Weiss
    • EverettPatterso's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      What is the formula you are using for [EliteButtonClass] and [EliteButtonFontColor]? The HTML inline styles are coming from those fields.

      Everett Patterson
      • IvanWeiss's avatar
        Qrew Captain
        Elitebuttonclass = btn btn-success btn -sm

        Elitebuttonfontcolor = #FFFFFF

        Ivan Weiss