Forum Discussion

RuelYparraguirr's avatar
Qrew Trainee
6 years ago

How to show record with the same form it was used to enter?

Hi! I have a table with multiple forms for multiple roles. How do I show the record the same way it was entered? Regardless of what role opens it. I have set up a field that contains what form the record used to enter.

2 Replies

  • Each Role can only have 1 default view for Editing, Adding and Viewing data in a table. 

    However, you can customize what form is used in View and Edit when a user edits or views a record from a specific Report.  You can find this in the "override role settings by report" section of the Forms settings page.

    This means that even if a User has Form ID #2 as their default edit/view form; by accessing a record from a specific report, you can force Quick Base to open the record in Form ID #10 for example. 

    However; in this case it sounds like you want a given user to see the record in the same way it was entered; no matter which form was being used; and a single report would only be able to do this if you built a button that the User would click to launch the form-view you wanted.

    If you build a button in the table, you could then use this in a report or on the form to allow a user to "switch" the record form to the form of your choice.  If you already have a field that indicates what form was used to enter the data you can then reference that to specify which form id# to open as part of the formula-button.

    First use a variable to identify the form id# of the form that was used to populate the record.

    var number formid=Case([Form Name],"Sales",2,"Customer Service",10,"Admin",11);

    URLRoot() & "db/" & [_DBID_TABLE_ALIAS] & "?a=dr&rid=" & URLEncode([Record ID#]) & "&dfid=" & URLEncode($formid)

    a=dr (display record)
    a=er (edit record)

    Label this button in such a way that it is clear it will open the record in the original-entry format for users.  Bear in mind, if they open to an edit-form; if they save; they will automatically default-redirect to their default form for their role.

    Hope this gives you options you can work with.