Forum Discussion

StephanieHarris's avatar
Qrew Assistant Captain
6 years ago

Adjust Picture Size on a form

I would like to adjust the size of picture I have displaying on my form using a Rich Text formula field.  The formula pulls the image from a Company website by combining the website address with the employees personal number (a field on the form as well).  Currently, my formula looks like:
"<img src=\"" & ""; & [Personnel Number] & "\" />"

This brings the image back but it is too large and throws off the aesthetics of my form, I need to resize but I'm not sure how to do so.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

2 Replies

  • Hi Stephanie,

    It is possible to manipulate the size of the image, I most often do this by adding width= to the img tag just before the src. It would typically look like the snippet below

    "<img width=\"500\" src=\"" (rest of formula)

    Then you can adjust the 500 up and down till you get the size that best fits your needs.