Forum Discussion

NirajShah4's avatar
Qrew Cadet
5 years ago

Summary Report to Display Icons versus Numbers

I have a summary report (above) but I would love to be able to replace the "1's" with a checkbox icon if that month has any values, and blank if it does not. 

I don't believe this is possible in QuickBase without some heavy custom development, but I figured I'd ask here in case anyone has any creative alternatives.

Niraj Shah

1 Reply

  • Niraj -

    Were you able to come up with a solution to this? If not, you can (sort of) accomplish this, but you will need to add more tables into your application to support it.
    1. You'll need a table for the Months and another table that would end up being a child to both the Months and Tasks. 
    2. You would then need to generate records for this new table where each record represents one Month / Task combination.  
    3. Create the Summary field(s) as necessary, such as Number of Checklists
    4. Create a Formula Rich Text field that would generate the Icon / image you're wanting to show on the report
    5. Create a Table report (not Summary) on the Month/Task table that shows the information as you're wanting it presented.
    This is not the easiest solution and does have its drawbacks, but I've done this plenty of times for clients and it works like a charm.

    Blake Harrison -
    Quick Base Solution Provider