Forum Discussion

EudonDelemar's avatar
Qrew Trainee
4 years ago

Save as spreadsheet issue

Good day,
I have a report and one of the columns collects serial numbers, the serial numbers are 24 characters long. There are over 6000 entries. Every time anyone tries to use the Save to Spreadsheet option,  the column opens in excel but one column is truncated. No matter how I save it, it does not pull the information down properly.
For example it will change a number like this: 183412203011023907608178 to something like this:1.83352E+23

The only way to export the data properly is to go into Import/Export and export as a Tab-Delimited value, save it. Then copy and paste it into a new excel file.

I want my client to be able to as they normally do, click on the Save as Spreadsheet on the report and be able to download  the report with out any changes.  The field in question is a text field.

Mr Delemar

4 Replies

  • A suggestion is to create a formula field in the format

    "SN: " & [serial]

    The it will export as text.  But the users may need to use a formula in excel if they need to strip out the "SN:"

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    Quick Base Solution Provider
    Your Quick Base Coach
    • EudonDelemar's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      So is the issue with quickbase or is with excel converting the field to something else? I can't have the client going into the import/export section to download.

      Mr Delemar
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
        I think it is an excel issue.  Excel sees a big number and converts it to scientific notation.

        Mark Shnier (YQC)
        Quick Base Solution Provider
        Your Quick Base Coach
  • Hi Mr. Delemar,

    I have run into this a few times in the past when I used to be on the Care team and we dug into it and it is a function in Excel. When it sees a very large number it processes it into scientific notation to save you space and hold the number. There are a few ways to get Excel to convert the field after you have the data exported or to change the field in QB like Mark mentioned to get the data in QB to include a text value to prevent Excel from simplifying your number down to scientific notation but they do require those extra steps to get the program not to convert, which can require extra instructions to your clients if they aren't familiar with Excel.

    Evan Martinez
    Community Marketing Manager
    Quick Base