Forum Discussion

Qrew Trainee
2 years ago

Any idea?

Hi, I am trying make a Cargo Management System for my company. Now, I have 3 table, they are (1) Sender (Name, phone#, and address), (2) Receiver ( Name, Phone #, Address), and (3) package ( It (1)+(2) + package information such as tracking number, item, weight, total). Then, I want to create a pallet system that when I put a tracking number in a Pallet it will automatically fill everything else in the (3) package. The table for (4) pallet should be ( number of pallets, tracking number, weight, and so on). 

I am looking for any idea to create a pallet system that when I only put tracking number down, it will auto fill the rest. Should I use pipeline for that or there is better way to use it but i don't know? Thanks you!!!

  • Dong,

    I am not sure I have the problem defined but is this what you are looking for?

    The Tracking Number in the Pallet table would trigger a Pipeline or other process to fill other fields but NOT relate them to the Package?

    Don Larson
    • DONGNGUYEN's avatar
      Qrew Trainee

      Yes, the Tracking number would trigger a pipeline, then it will fill the full table of pallet that have Tracking number - name- weight,... and so on. So when I do grid edit, I put in tracking number, then It will fill out for me the rest, instead of me put it in manually. However, I want the pallet will connect to each package, so that I know which package in which pallet, and which pallet that have how many package. Is there is anyway to do it?


      • DonLarson's avatar
        Qrew Elite

        If I am listening correctly I do not think you need a Pipeline.  You can build this instead:

        Every Pallet will have many Packages. 

        Set the Tracking Number as the Proxy field for the Related Package when you make the relationship.

        Here is a picture of a Parent Child Relationship and the Proxy Field

        When you Grid Edit the Pallet List Table, you will select the Package Tracking Number.  That will create the relationship and then all the Look Up fields from the Packages will be usable there.

        The one thing to make sure of is that the Package Tracking Number is unique in the Package Table.

        Don Larson