Forum Discussion

UDHGDevTeam's avatar
Qrew Member
5 years ago

Books for learning Quickbase

Hi All!

Can you please suggest me books to learn quickbase.

UDHG DevTeam

3 Replies

  • Hi,

    Unfortunately, I don't know of books that would be up to date with Quick Base but we do have some learning resources that can be very helpful. Firstly we have our University which has lessons on a number of topics in Quick Base and can take you from the early stages of building up to growing more advanced in your skills. You can also find our Help Docs and our handy Formula Reference Guide that can walk you through a number of technical topics and help you build up your formula skills. Also if you are stuck on a specific topic you can use the search here to find others with similar questions or ask your own. I hope those are helpful resources and have a great day!

    Evan Martinez
    Community Marketing Manager
    Quick Base
  • AustinK's avatar
    Qrew Commander
    To start out with Quick Base I just created a trial account at the time and made things until my trial ran out and repeated that a few times. Now they offer a free builder program that lets you build apps without worrying about a trial ending. I wish they had that when I started. This is one of the best ways to learn imo. I just dropped myself in sink or swim style and made a inventory tracking app as my first thing. If you get stuck you can check the forums or even check other demo apps and see what they did for one part and try and recreate that.

    As Evan pointed out there is a Quick Base University that is alright for the basics. Many things in there are lacking what they need to be great courses but they are not bad at all. There is some good stuff there for sure. I actually found the recorded Empower events(the more recent ones anyway) to be more valuable in many ways than most things in the University after the basics, but YMMV.
    • EvanMartinez's avatar
      Quickbase Staff
      Austin is right the lessons from last Empower I would also totally recommend, there is a lot of good content in them depending on what topics you want to learn about.

      Evan Martinez
      Community Marketing Manager
      Quick Base