Forum Discussion

WilliamWallace's avatar
Qrew Member
3 years ago

Can I filter my dropdown selection based on 2 fields in an app to app table relationship?

I have app (B) that has a "Text - Multiple Choice" field populated from a Text field ("Vehicle Name") in a table in app (A).

I now have the total list of vehicles from app (A) I can now select.

Is there a way to filter the vehicles based off 2 other table fields (A - "Location" & "Type") in app (A)?

I can't find any kind of control in the form field properties in app (A) that I can limit what the choices are. Is this even possible? I re-watched the Cross-app relationship video in QuickBase U, but it's not too clear.

Thanks in advance with any suggestions.

William Wallace

12 Replies

  • Do you have a relationship between table A and B?  Or is the drop down list just a down and dirty multiple choice field.

    If you make a relationship between table A Table B, then you were able to control the report that is used for the choices and filter on just certain types of vehicles. 

    Do you have a lot of data in your app now? There's a way to build a relationship and preserve your existing data if that is necessary. If there's not too much data you may as well just create a new field and use grid edit to update it.

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    • WilliamWallace's avatar
      Qrew Member

      I do have the Relationship setup between table A and B and the dropdown is pulling the list from a column in Table A.

      So you're saying, I need to control the dropdown on my form by a report I need to create on the Table I'm pulling from?


      William Wallace
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
        Exactly, make a report in table A with the correct columns and sorts and filter for the drop down choices.  Set the form to use that report instead of the "Default Record Picker".

        Mark Shnier (YQC)