Forum Discussion

CarolMcconnell's avatar
Qrew Captain
5 months ago

Cross App Relationships

We have two quickbase apps.  Lets say app 1 and app 2.  In app 2, i have pulled in  table1 from app 1 and added two new fields.  I now need to send those two new fields back to app 1.  I would assume that it would be a relationship from app 1 table 1 to app 2 table 2 but how do I make the connection on record id #.  On app 2 I pulled in the record id from app 1 but not sure how to make that connection back on the record #.



  • MarkShnier__You's avatar
    5 months ago

    For the reference field on the right side of the relationship, change that field to be a formula numeric field. Then make the formula the field which has the Record ID# of the source table.  It probably has the field name [Record ID#2]

  • It's always easier to answer questions when you're describing a problem to use their real names of the fields and apps, but to answer the question, we need a little more information.  When you say that you pulled table 1 into app 2, was that via a  connected sync table or was that a cross up relationship where one record in table 1 has many records in the other app. And can you also tell me whether you are in fact expect only one record in the other app for every record in table 1?

    • CarolMcconnell's avatar
      Qrew Captain

      Okay, so the tables are DNT  and Network Operations.  In the Network Operations Quickbase I connected table 1 from the DNT quickbase via a quickbase synced table.  In the Network Operations table that I synced from the DNT quickbase, I added two new fields and I need to push them back to table 1 in the DNT quickbase. 

      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend

        Well, you could create a cross app relationship where one Network Operations has many DNT.  You will need to make this relationship starting from the Child side, so from DNT. 

        This will end up connecting those two apps in the same Quickbase process so if you have a large amount of users in a large amount of data than it could affect performance.  Once you have that relationship you can look up any fields from Quickbase operations back into DNT