Forum Discussion

AngelRodriguez's avatar
Qrew Assistant Captain
3 years ago

Using Pipelines to copy table data vs. cross-app relationships

I have what I think is a fairly simple question, but would like an opinion as to what the best approach is to take to accomplish something.  

I have two apps where I would like to copy table data from one app to another.  I would like to copy a "zip codes" table from App B into App A and have a Pipeline keep these tables synced.  Keep in mind, this zip code table is not changed very often, maybe a few times a week.  About 90 users use App A throughout the day but there is a downtime from 8 PM to about 4 AM each night/morning where few, if any, users are in the system.  The zip codes table contains 33,000+ records. 

Should I have the Pipeline copy data as things change, or trigger on change, or should I run a nightly update where this happens automatically in order to prevent any slowdown in App A as things sync?  What's the most efficient approach?

  • Hi Angel,

    If you aren't worried about those two tables being a real time mirror for each other doing a scheduled Pipeline would definitely be the most efficient for your app performance as it would help those match up nightly so you are using the least amount of app resources. The big question there is just is once a day or maybe a few times a day on a schedule enough for you or does it need to be a live one to one? Cause it is possible to set it to keep the match live that Pipeline would just be called up on the data change.

    Evan Martinez
  • Hi Angel,

    If you aren't worried about those two tables being a real time mirror for each other doing a scheduled Pipeline would definitely be the most efficient for your app performance as it would help those match up nightly so you are using the least amount of app resources. The big question there is just is once a day or maybe a few times a day on a schedule enough for you or does it need to be a live one to one? Cause it is possible to set it to keep the match live that Pipeline would just be called up on the data change.

    Evan Martinez