Forum Discussion

juan_pablogalla's avatar
Qrew Member
3 years ago


Im starting the training and on one of the videos they ask to create a pipeline, I already created another pipeline and now the second pipeline when I select the quickbase channel is connected to the previous app, how do I disconnect the chanel from that and use the new token to connect to the other app I am working on????

juan pablo gallardo
  • Hi Juan,

    Are you specifically looking to connect another app to the user token you used to create the Pipeline? If so you can see your users tokens in your user preferences. They appear in the menu that comes up when you click on your name where it appears in the upper right hand corner of Quickbase. There is then an option to manage your user tokens, a token can be associated with up to 10 apps so you can use a single token to allow you the option to connect to multiple apps.

    Evan Martinez
    • juan_pablogalla's avatar
      Qrew Member
      Yes but the thing is I already did that, now I am building another app, and the channel is still using the old connection, how do I make a new one and disconnect the old one?

      juan pablo gallardo
      • EvanMartinez's avatar
        Quickbase Staff
        Hi Juan,

        When you are moving on to the new Pipeline are you starting with creating a brand new Pipeline or trying to create a new Pipeline? So long as an app has been added into the User Token there isn't a hard coded connection to one app, it should give you them as options. Do you have an image of this Pipeline and the connection as an example? Connections that link to a single app sound a bit more like our Quickbase Sync option/connected tables.

        Evan Martinez
    • juan_pablogalla's avatar
      Qrew Member
      Also something very annoying, how do I work on this system preventing the links to be opened on another tab, my browser is already disabled but I noticed that many options inside quickbase are target blank so that is a new window, I cant work with this is a mess of tabs all over the place.

      juan pablo gallardo