Forum Discussion

BruceKasen's avatar
Qrew Member
4 years ago


I'd like to use the Checkbox feature to trigger an action.

For example, whenever there are record changes (i.e new record added, deleted or an existing record is modified), a QB-generated notification (email) is sent out to selective people by the record editor by simply checking the checkbox.  That is, edits could occur that are not substantial enough to trigger a QB-generated email, so the editor would not check the checkbox.  If substantial enough to merit notifying people, then the checkbox would be checked and a notification is issued.

I know how to add a checkbox to a record and I know how to setup the notification option.  But I need help on how to link the two together (checkbox with the notification feature).  If it's a formula driven solution, please share with me what the formula would be.

Thank you all in advance.

Bruce Kasen

1 Reply

  • When you set up an email Notification, there is a section you can open which has more detailed options on when to trigger the email.  It can trigger when only certain fields change and also limited to certain conditions are true after the edit.

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