Forum Discussion

JackWoods's avatar
Qrew Trainee
4 years ago

Color Format Formula

I'm trying to say if the task is overdue by more than 15 days AND it's NOT completed - please highlight the task in the report. 

[Days Overdue]>=15 & [Status]!= "Complete" ,"#FFFFCC","")

it seems to be giving me the error of...

"the operator ">=" can't be applied to types number, text"

please advise :)

Jack Woods
  • You're using & instead of AND.  Try this first.  If you still get the error, then you need to check the type of field your [Days Overdue] is (which could be a duration). You may need a Days(15) instead of just the number.

    [Days Overdue] >=15 AND [Status]<>"Complete","#FFFFCC","")

    Laura Thacker (IDS)
    (626) 771 0454
    • JackWoods's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      Thank you. The Days Overdue is a Formula Numeric field. 

      Neither of those suggestions worked unfortunately.  

      [Days Overdue]>=15 AND [Status]<> "Complete" ,"#FFFFCC","")

      it just says "expecting comma" over the AND so I think we are almost there...

      Jack Woods
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
        I am not actually sure what is wrong with that formula but try this version as it is more simple.  

        IF([Days Overdue]>=15 AND [Status]<> "Complete" ,"#FFFFCC")

        Mark Shnier (YQC)
        Quick Base Solution Provider
        Your Quick Base Coach