I think you have a syntax error. This should work:
If([Half day],
WeekdaySub([Last day of leave],[First day of leave])+1,
WeekdaySub([Last day of leave],[First day of leave])+1.5)
There are two ways you can use the if statement in Quick Base. You can either have a single test: If(condition, true-result, false-result) - Read If condition is true, do true-result otherwise do false-result.
Alternatively, you can chain several conditions as an if-else: If(condition1, result1, condition2, result2, false-result) - Read if condition1 is true, do result1. If condition1 is not true and condition2 is true, do result2. If condition1 and condition2 are both not true, do false-result.
You original formula was structured like the later so Quick Base expected WeekdaySub([Last day of leave], [First day of leave])+1 to be a condition and evaluate to a boolean value (true/false).
Nathan Hawe