Forum Discussion

MyoshiaBoykin-A's avatar
Qrew Trainee
2 years ago

New Medical Management App

OK, I will preface this post by stating that I am rather new to the advanced features of Quickbase and that this may be asking a here goes:

I am designing a solution for our Client Services Department.  The proposed workflow is as follows:

  • New referrals come in requesting support/services.
  • Intake Coordinator approves referrals and turn them into new client profiles with a unique identifier (a combination of a few client attributes and random auto numbers.)
  • A client portal allows clients to complete additional information and electronically sign documents.
  • Completed client profiles get assigned to a Clinician.
  • Clinicians access their workload from their unique dashboards (new clients, to-do items, reports, etc.)
  • Encounters are added to client profiles from outside vendors (labs, prescriptions, visits, etc.)
  • Medical billing is submitted to various clearinghouses and direct payors.
  • Payments are processed through various clearinghouses and payment processors.
  • Etc. etc. etc.

I know that this project will entail months of requirements, design and development, but I would love some insight into some high-level steps I can take towards making this happen.

Ms. My
  • High level the biggest things that I would recommend focusing on are the client portal aspect and billing. 

    Your general setup for having an intake form and then the review by an intake coordinator and then assignment to a Clinician all seem fine and suitable for Quickbase. 

    On the client portal front - that will depend on what type of account you have with Quickbase. If you have a user-based account, this type of model isn't sustainable given your user cap and per user cost. If you have a usage model, then this will work better, and your focus will be on how to automatically provision a new user to your system and give them sufficient information on how to register. This would include how you email them - how you give them a chance to reach out for support, how you check that they've actually logged in and registered etc etc. 

    On the billing front - different EMR and clearinghouses allow for integrations or not. Some will allow it but will require an application and approval before you're allowed to integrate. Based on your comment about labs, prescriptions etc, the type(s) of systems and providers you might be working with will come with their own complexity - so perhaps you start with the biggest one and work backwards from there on possibility. 

    The reason I suggest those two in particular is that they can very much change the scope and complexity of your app. If you're not able to actually get new clients into your system then the e-sign and other parts will need to be evaluated for how they're handled only internally for exampe. Or you can devise ways where you 'invite' users to a shared Google Drive Folder or something for them to upload things versus giving them direct access etc. The billing side is much the same - where if you're not able to integrate - how can you devise other strategies to track things like billing being submitted manually and or importing flat files or activity from these systems. Getting a good idea of these can change your overall workflow dramatically depending on which way you're able to go and can lead to more potential for automation or areas where you have to potentially pull back a little for less automation and determine if that's a viable solution. 

    Chayce Duncan