Forum Discussion

Qrew Member
5 years ago

.JS with iol Won't work anymore


   We are using .js with iol as a part of our application. Now, it doesn't work anymore.

This is a huge part of our application feature that automates our entire system.

under our pages" Tabletmodulev43.js" here is our code

(function() {

var XMLStructuredToObj = function(xml, type) {
var fidToLabel = {};
$("field", xml).each(function() {
var id = $(this).attr("id");
var label = $("label", this).text();
//console.log(id, label);
fidToLabel[id] = label;

var data = [];
var record = {};
$("record", xml).each(function() {
record = {};
$("f", this).each(function() {
record[fidToLabel[$(this).attr("id")]] = $(this).text();
return {records: data};

var dbid = "bkuuybf9b";
var dbidAssetID = "bmuq9d5dj";
var dbidItemDetails = "bpb3hui78";
var apptoken ="t8gsgdut8g28cw2fw7fbek3vw9";
$.ajaxSetup({data: {apptoken: apptoken}});

url: dbidAssetID,
data: {
act: "API_DoQuery",
query: "{33.EX._fid_19}",
clist: "",
slist: "",
fmt: "structured"
dataFilter: XMLStructuredToObj
}).then(function(json) {
var groups = _.groupBy(json.records, function(record) {
return record["Related Model Numbers"] + "|" + record["V43 - Tier"] + "|" +record["Related Purchase Order / Service Program"] + "|" +record["Asset ID - Item Detail - Related Manufacturer"]+ "|" +record["Asset ID - Item Detail - Related PN ID"]+ "|" +record["Asset ID - Item Detail - Type"]+ "|" +record["Tablet Triage Summary ID"];
var csv =, function(item, key) {
return '"' + (key + "|" + item.length).split("|").join('","') + '"';
$.post(dbidItemDetails, {
act: "API_ImportFromCSV",
clist: "",
records_csv: csv.join("\n")
}).then(function(xml) {
document.location.href = "";


We really appreciate if you can help us on this,

Roel David

7 Replies

  • DonLarson's avatar
    Qrew Commander

    Who wrote the original code?   Getting a new resource up to speed on undocumented code requires a real learning curve.   Your best bet is to use the original developer.

    Don Larson
    Westlake OH
  • AustinK's avatar
    Qrew Commander
    Honestly if you want help with something like that you are going to have to provide more detail. If it is something that is that integral to your app then chances are someone else isn't going to be able to just pop it into a page and start testing.

    What troubleshooting have you done so far?

    Where do you think the issue in the code is?

    Can you narrow it down at all?

    Your js file name has tablet in it, is this for mobile only? More things someone would need to know.

    This is a good lesson in being careful with where you use JavaScript. I have it in many places in my app but I do not rely on it for something that would make the business grind to a halt if it suddenly stopped functioning. There is always another way to get the work done easily just not as nice as whatever JavaScript feature I may add. Many reasons for this but the main reason is QuickBase does not support the use of JavaScript like this and they honestly seem very against it whenever an employee posts, so using it is at your own risk.
    • DEVICECYCLE's avatar
      Qrew Member
      We have 3 .js pages like these that uses the a "Button Formula" like this:

      "<a class=\"Vibrant Success\" onclick=\"$.getScript(gReqAppDBID+'?a=dbpage^pagename=" & "Tabletmodulev43.js"& "');return false;\">" &"FINALIZE"& "</a>"

      The function of the page "Tabletmodulev43.js" is  to import a summary of one table to another table by logging it first to console log and creating an XML object then importing it to a table:

      We did this because Quickbase only does table to table import and doesn't have this feature.

      What we are really needed is TableSummary to Table import.

      Let me know if there some other way to do this other than Javascript.

      (function() {

      var XMLStructuredToObj = function(xml, type) {
      var fidToLabel = {};
      $("field", xml).each(function() {
      var id = $(this).attr("id");
      var label = $("label", this).text();
      //console.log(id, label);
      fidToLabel[id] = label;

      var data = [];
      var record = {};
      $("record", xml).each(function() {
      record = {};
      $("f", this).each(function() {
      record[fidToLabel[$(this).attr("id")]] = $(this).text();
      return {records: data};

      var dbid = "bkuuybf9b";
      var dbidAssetID = "bmuq9d5dj";
      var dbidItemDetails = "bpb3hui78";
      var apptoken ="t8gsgdut8g28cw2fw7fbek3vw9";
      $.ajaxSetup({data: {apptoken: apptoken}});

      url: dbidAssetID,
      data: {
      act: "API_DoQuery",
      query: "{33.EX._fid_19}",
      clist: "",
      slist: "",
      fmt: "structured"
      dataFilter: XMLStructuredToObj
      }).then(function(json) {
      var groups = _.groupBy(json.records, function(record) {
      return record["Related Model Numbers"] + "|" + record["V43 - Tier"] + "|" +record["Related Purchase Order / Service Program"] + "|" +record["Asset ID - Item Detail - Related Manufacturer"]+ "|" +record["Asset ID - Item Detail - Related PN ID"]+ "|" +record["Asset ID - Item Detail - Type"]+ "|" +record["Tablet Triage Summary ID"];
      var csv =, function(item, key) {
      return '"' + (key + "|" + item.length).split("|").join('","') + '"';
      $.post(dbidItemDetails, {
      act: "API_ImportFromCSV",
      clist: "",
      records_csv: csv.join("\n")
      }).then(function(xml) {

      Thank you,

      Roel David
      • AustinK's avatar
        Qrew Commander
        That is interesting. So you need a copy of the tables field names with their ID's to get imported to another table? I see some more happening there but it's a little tough to visualize what it is doing for me right now. I'm hoping to get some helpful info from you so I can mull it over and hopefully others are able to jump in too.

        Which part is currently failing? Is any error happening or does it just not work? Even a console error.