Forum Discussion

MichaelKochen's avatar
Qrew Member
6 years ago

Ability to have multiple calculated columns in reports

Ability to have multiple calculated columns in reports

3 Replies

  • If this is a question, the answer is no.  Typically you will just create extra fields assuming that you have admin access to the app.
  • Currently reports are set up to just have the ability to add a single calculated column. Instead if multiple formulas are needed we recommend creating fields in your table that can be added to the report. This way there are not a number of formulas held just within a report. While that is the case now if you feel this would be helpful for your usage of Quick Base I would recommend putting that feedback into our User Voice. User Voice is a tool used by our Product Management team to gauge user interest in future features and enhancements to existing features. The Quick Base User voice can most easily be accessed from the My Apps page in Quick Base by clicking on the orange Feedback tab that appears on the left of the page or at by signing in with your Quick Base credentials. It allows other users with similar needs to add their vote and show their support for ideas. I often recommend when an idea is submitted to UserVoice that a link should also be posted here in this thread so that others with the same need can add their vote. Thank you very much for your feedback.
  • You can always concatenate several fields together to display in the custom column
    var Text cellA = Upper(Left([FieldA], 1)) & Lower(NotLeft([FieldA], 1));
    var Text cellB = ToText(2 * [FieldB]);
    $cellA & ", " & $cellB

    Unfortunately you can use a Rich Text Formula field as a custom column so you can't synthesize HTML.