Forum Discussion

KathyBenjamin's avatar
Qrew Trainee
4 months ago

Add 1 day to date formula

Hello, I need help with writing a formula to add a day to a date formula.

If([RX Trigger]<[RX Ready Date] add 1 day to the RX Trigger date to be the new RX Ready date.

Ex: RX Trigger 10/30/2024 and RX Date 10/29/2024.  Result needs to be RX Ready Date 10/31/2024.

Thank you

Kathy Benjamin

  • IF([REPORT: RX Type Description]="RX With Benefit Changes"


    [REPORT: Rx Trigger Date] > [Report: RX Ready Date], [REPORT: Rx Trigger Date] + Days(1), [Report: RX Ready Date])

  • Try this (if I understand your question.)  This will not change either the 

    [RX Trigger] or [RX Ready Date] fields, it's just a different field's calculation.

    If([RX Trigger] < [RX Ready Date], [RX Trigger] + Days(1), [RX Trigger])   

  • This formula worked.  I am now being asked to add to the formula:  RX Type = RX with Benefit Changes.  I tried with this and it did not work.  Any suggestions?

    If([REPORT: RX Type Description]="RX With Benefit Changes",and [REPORT: Rx Trigger Date] > [Report: RX Ready Date], [REPORT: Rx Trigger Date] + Days(1), [Report: RX Ready Date])


  • IF([REPORT: RX Type Description]="RX With Benefit Changes"


    [REPORT: Rx Trigger Date] > [Report: RX Ready Date], [REPORT: Rx Trigger Date] + Days(1), [Report: RX Ready Date])