Forum Discussion

MikeNovak's avatar
Qrew Trainee
5 years ago

Add a button to open a specific form?

I have a table that everyone has access to. Lets call it "Products". For the purposes of this discussion, every role has the same access.

I want to be able to add products through two separate buttons on the home page. The first is already there. It takes us to our current add form. We want to keep this. The second, is not. Right now we have it set up on the current add form through dynamic form rules, but you have to answer about 3 different drop downs before you get to it and it is confusing to users. 

What I want is to have a second button, that when clicked, takes you to a different form I have created to add these specific products. It would be the same for every role. Is this possible, without setting form rules with the roles? Every role would need access to both.

mtn mtn
  • You can redirect to a specific form using the form ID like this: (this would be the last statement in your call)
    "&rdr=" & URLEncode(URLRoot() & "db/" & Dbid() & "?a=er&dfid=10&rid=" & [Record ID#])
    Where dfid is the form ID. You can access the form ID # ​on the form settings page

    E. P.
    • ELANAMETH's avatar
      Qrew Cadet
      oops did not see above reply when I posted!

      E. P.
  • You can specify the form to use by including &dfid=10 in the string.  The issue will be how to control where the user lands after the save as if it just redisplays the record, it will on the regular form.  Is that OK?

    If so, duplicate the automatic Add Record form that Quick Base creates for you or grab what you see in the URL and stuff in the extra string.

    for example

    then paste that code into a dashboard link where the buttotn type is URL

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    Quick Base Solution Provider
    Your Quick Base Coach