Add button to create record in different app
I'm trying to create a button that will direct users to a different app to create a new record in the other app.
The database ID for the other app is buwc5yqwz
The table ID in the other app is bupbavsbm
The related field in the other app is 38
I've searched the community and attempted some examples that others tried but converting them from edit a record to adding a record, but I'm not getting anywhere. What I have attempted so far gives a Page unrecognized error.
URLRoot() & "/db/buwc9wxmb" & "=API_GenAddRecordForm&_fid_38=" & [Record ID#] &"&z=" & Rurl()
""& URLEncode()
Do I need to add a token? Thank you!
Try this
URLRoot() & "db/bupbavsbm" & "?act=API_GenAddRecordForm&_fid_38=" & [Record ID#] &"&z=" & Rurl()
An apptoken is not required as this will be a human user saving the record.