Forum Discussion

BoitumeloSegaol's avatar
Qrew Member
3 years ago

Add button to reflect iterms from


Please help with a code for the add button, I want every time I press it it should reflect in the Stock Item , Quality and Stock code formula fields, as may Items as possible.

Currently its a relationship. 

Boitumelo Segaole

2 Replies

  • You need to elaborate , add where and what ? 

    You are looking for look-up item from child table?

    Prashant Maheshwari
    • BoitumeloSegaol's avatar
      Qrew Member
      Hi Prashant,

      I want every stock I select from the lookup to populate on the formula text fields, 
      So I want each time I press the add button to populate on the formula text field / Lookup field.

      I hope that clarifies all.

      Boitumelo Segaole