Forum Discussion

LijaHarris's avatar
Qrew Cadet
2 years ago

Add Field to end of customRedirectURL Code Page

I was wondering if it was possible in the customRedirectURL to add a different field (and it's value) at the end of the URL.  For example, in my code below, the record ID is what is populated at the end of the URL: (xxxxxxxxx is just a placeholder)

$.ajax({url: "xxxxxxxxx?act=API_AddRecord",
type: 'POST',
data: req1,
contentType: "text/xml",
dataType: "xml",
processData: false,
success: function(data, status, xhr) {

var _rid = $(data).find('rid');
var rid = _rid[0].innerHTML;
var customRedirectURL = "" + "&rid=" + rid;
window.location.href = customRedirectURL;

instead of +rid can i use another field from the table there (field that is set by a variable)?  This does have to be in a code page and not in a URL formula field or form button, etc.  Thanks so much!

Lija Harris
  • You can do something like this which is a slimmed-down version of your code

    var customRedirectURL = "" + "&rid=" + $(data).find('rid').text() + "&AnotherVariable=" + $(data).find('XPathToXmlNode').text();

    window.location.href = customRedirectURL;

    With JQuery, you can text from XML, for a given node, XML node using the this method:


    Where $(data) is the API response XML

    CDM Automation
    • LijaHarris's avatar
      Qrew Cadet
      Thank you so much for your reply!!! So, let's say I want to make _fid_23 that variable, or maybe im mis-speaking.  Ideally in a perfect world, I want a field's value at the end of the customRedirectURL.  So currently the above gives me a final redirect url of (The "X" are placeholders):

      Instead of rid = 72 which is giving back the record id that was created by the user, I would like record 72's field's value for field 23.  So lets say field 23 is a text-formla field that is ="C-"&[Record ID#].  I would like instead.

      Lija Harris
      • SimonH's avatar
        Qrew Cadet
        API_AddRecord does not return other fields so you won't be able to use another field unless you make a separate request to get that records details using the newly generated rid

        Simon H