Forum Discussion

StephanieHarris's avatar
Qrew Assistant Captain
4 years ago

Adding and Filling Out a Record with Automations

I have a table called Addresses.  A person fills it out with their name [Primary Name] and address [Primary Address] as well as the names of other persons in their household [Addinal Name 1], [Additional Name 2], etc..  I have another table called Sub Addresses with the fields Name and Address.

My goal: Everytime a new record is added in the Address table, new records get added to the Sub Addresses table that has the Name and Address of everyone that is part of that household.  So 1 record that has the [Primary Name] and the [Primary Address], 1 record that has [Additional Name 1] and [Primary Address], etc..

Stephanie Stephanie

1 Reply

  • While I'm not clear on your process, I would suggest considering a slightly different setup. Instead of Addresses and Sub-Addresses, how about a Household that has many Contacts? You could have the user fill out the Household record with the address info and then have an embedded Grid Edit report for the Contacts where they could enter all the Names and Phone Numbers for the different individuals. This setup would eliminate the need for any automations and would make maintenance on the app a bit easier in the long run, since you don't have to have so many duplicate fields on the Parent record.

    Blake Harrison
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