Forum Discussion

CasameiraReyes's avatar
Qrew Cadet
5 years ago


​I am trying to create a link where the table itself is hidden and it will take you directly to a new form using the ampersand. I am unsure what comes after.

Casameira Reyes

3 Replies

  • Can you explain what you mean by "using the ampersand"?

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    Quick Base Solution Provider
    Your Quick Base Coach
  • Casameira,

    Take a look at this post and see if this helps:
    Button to open different form

    the data form ID is what comes after the ampersand in this instance and the post in the link above shows you how to find and use the ID.

    Adam Keever
    • EvanWestbrook's avatar
      Qrew Cadet

      A similar option to Adam's would be to use API_GenAddRecordForm. With this option, you can pre-populate some fields in your new record form based on the table from which your link is clicked. You would put something like this in a Formula-URL field:[PREPOPULATED_VALUE_ONE]&_fid_2=[PREPOPULATED_VALUE_TWO]​

      Evan Westbrook
      PRIME Developer
      Harder Mechanical Contractors Inc.
      Portland OR