Forum Discussion

RussellBeaubien's avatar
Qrew Cadet
5 years ago

API Call add and update records in one function

Currently I am importing a file into an existing table matching to records based on the KEY field I made ("customerID-Invoice#").
There are hundreds of records in this file, some do not match the QuickBase KEY field properly So when I manually import it creates a new record.

I want to start using an API call but I noticed there is "Add_record" or "Edit_record" function.
So, If I use "Edit_record" for API call and the KEY field ("customerID-Invoice#") does not match what will happen?
1. Create the new record
2. Nothing
3. Error msg and no records get updated

Or is there a different function for the API call I should use?

Russell Beaubien
  • If you're using the standard API, you'll receive an error stating that the record doesn't exist. If you want to pull records in using the API and want to effectively do an Upsert, you'll have to do one of two things. 1) Import your data via CSV using API_ImportFromCSV  call OR 2) Use the new JSON API for Records which supports Upserts.

    Blake Harrison
    DataBlender - Quick Base Solution Provider
    Atlanta GA
    404.800.1702 /
    • RussellBeaubien's avatar
      Qrew Cadet
      So If I use API-ImportFromCSV when I import it will update existing and create new if it doesn't match then?

      Russell Beaubien
      • BlakeHarrison's avatar
        Qrew Captain

        Blake Harrison
        DataBlender - Quick Base Solution Provider
        Atlanta GA
        404.800.1702 /