5 years agoQrew Cadet
API Call add and update records in one function
Currently I am importing a file into an existing table matching to records based on the KEY field I made ("customerID-Invoice#").
There are hundreds of records in this file, some do not match the QuickBase KEY field properly So when I manually import it creates a new record.
I want to start using an API call but I noticed there is "Add_record" or "Edit_record" function.
Or is there a different function for the API call I should use?
Russell Beaubien
There are hundreds of records in this file, some do not match the QuickBase KEY field properly So when I manually import it creates a new record.
I want to start using an API call but I noticed there is "Add_record" or "Edit_record" function.
So, If I use "Edit_record" for API call and the KEY field ("customerID-Invoice#") does not match what will happen?
1. Create the new record
2. Nothing
3. Error msg and no records get updated
Or is there a different function for the API call I should use?
Russell Beaubien