Forum Discussion

JAKQB_Admin's avatar
Qrew Trainee
6 years ago

API_DoQuery Not Pulling Records In Javascript

I am having difficulties with utilizing the API_DoQuery through javascript.  Essentially any time I specify a query that involves field ID's other than the record ID, it returns no records.

The following is the URL used that is NOT returning records:{'31',EX,'ALE'}AND{'6',EX,'Q1318'}&clist=

I've checked over and over that these are the appropriate field ID's and values, and that records exists that match this criteria; however, the request finds nothing.

Now this URL DOES return records:{'3',GT,'0'}&clist=

and the resulting XML has records with 

<f id="31">ALE</f>

<f id="6">Q1318</f>

Is there something I am missing?  I've even tried doing the first query separately rather than as a compound and that still returned nothing.  Any ideas as to why the query isn't working?

3 Replies

  • You have commas in your query parameter rather than periods:



    Also the single quotes are not needed:

  • Sorry for the late reply, but thanks for the correction; my script now pulls the right data when using periods.  I'm curious though as to how the second query example ({'3',GT,'0'}) managed to work fine whereas the first one returned nothing despite both utilizing commas.