Forum Discussion

jross's avatar
Qrew Cadet
4 months ago

API Method via Pipelines to tell if user has access to a specific app

Howdy all, I am trying to figure out the easiest way via a Pipeline to identify whether or not a specific email has a user in 3 different applications.  I need to be able to dynamically take action based on If Statements within the Pipeline.

So far, functions like API_GetUserInfo is useless because if the user's email isn't in the app, it errors out and won't complete, rather than just returning "no user found".  Even if it did, you apparently cannot use it on a specific application?

Any ideas?  I just need to be able to take an email, and see "does this email have a user in THIS specific application, not just the realm overall".

  • The way I did this was to create a formula checkbox in native Quickbase.

    UserToName(ToUser([User Email]))<>"Invalid"


    Then I had my Pipeline branch on that Condition so it knew if it was provisioning a new user or just adding an existing user to a Role.

    • jross's avatar
      Qrew Cadet

      Hey Mark, sorry about the delay, thank you for your reply.  I ended up coming to the same conclusion as I realized that there is no API call to tell you if a user has access to the entire realm or not, which is frustrating.