3 years agoQrew Trainee
Auto Save When Redirected Table Setting Not Working
The "Auto save when redirected away from the page" setting does not seem to work when I'm entering data into a Grid Editable report on a form on an existing record. It does work when the record is being added, but as soon as the record is created and has a record ID#, it no longer works and asks me if I'm ok leaving the page without saving:
Any ideas why this is and how I can get around it? At first I thought it was my JS button, but I tried to create a solution where it would use a standard URL button after record has been saved, but that doesn't work either.
Curtis Middleton
The "Auto save when redirected away from the page" setting does not seem to work when I'm entering data into a Grid Editable report on a form on an existing record. It does work when the record is being added, but as soon as the record is created and has a record ID#, it no longer works and asks me if I'm ok leaving the page without saving:
Any ideas why this is and how I can get around it? At first I thought it was my JS button, but I tried to create a solution where it would use a standard URL button after record has been saved, but that doesn't work either.
Curtis Middleton