Forum Discussion

LeeBaughman's avatar
Qrew Member
4 years ago

Automatically generating edit messages

quickbase seems to be generating validation messages based on the dynamic rules created as part of a form. Since my field names are designed for understand the table layout, they usually do not make for readable validation messages. Can this "feature" be disabled?

Lee Baughman
  • I do not think it can be altered.  You get to control the words after the rule is repeated back to the user.  It has always been that way like for 20 years.

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    • LeeBaughman's avatar
      Qrew Member
      This only my second quickbase app.  The first app had a few dynamic rules but none of those had an "All" in the when section so the generated message didn't get the compound effect. Oh well

      Lee Baughman
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
        Well actually there is a Plan B if "the juice is worth the squeeze".  

        You can make any kind of crazy formula you like with any name you like to replicate the compound conditions of the form rule.  The have the form rule work off that one field.  Then you can control the message to a large extent.  I suggest that you put the calculated field on the form to be sure that the form evaluates the formula in real time during data entry.

        The field does not have to show on the form, it can be in a section or field hidden by a form rule.  Like when customer name is not equal to 99999 hide ....

        Mark Shnier (YQC)