Forum Discussion

AmberPolston's avatar
Qrew Cadet
6 years ago

Automation to fill in a Rich Text Field

Has anyone ran into a situation where they needed an automation to fill in a Rich Text field?  I am trying to do this & unfortunately, I can't find a way to tell the automation what formatting options I would like to have.  
  • SuryaExpert's avatar
    Qrew Assistant Captain
    Rich Text is nothing but html used for formatting your text. So if you want to bold face something, you would put <b> before the text and </b> after. If you want to create a bullet list or numbered list, you would use the appropriate tags. For more on html tags, you can visit Hope that helps.

  • Could you be more specific about what you're trying to do? Like Surya said, you should be able to format whatever data you're using with HTML tags, but depending on the nature of your issue you might not even need to use an automation.
  • As far as I am aware of, rich text fields are formulas which can not be updated via automation. You can do an if statement which can change the value of the formula based on a condition. You may also look into the option of changing the value via api by calling a javascript page with the iol method.   
  • Rich text fields can be data entry fields or they can be for me in the fields. As stated above if you were entering data into a rich text field via an automation you would have to directly Code HTML yourself.