Forum Discussion

MikeKlausing's avatar
Qrew Assistant Captain
5 years ago

Automation wont trigger

I have an automation that triggers fine when logged into an admin account but it wont trigger when im logged into an account that is in the participant role. Any idea as to why? 
The participant does have access to view the table that triggers the automation.

Mike Klausing

3 Replies

  • BabiPanjikar's avatar
    Qrew Assistant Captain

    Check if your automation has user specific triggering condition and make it  to fire based on action events on change of specific data. This is the only possibility.

    Babi Panjikar
    • MikeKlausing's avatar
      Qrew Assistant Captain
      I don’t see any user specific settings for automations. All I have is when a user modifies or adds a record. It doesn’t allow me to select a type of user anywhere.

      ------Original Message------


      Check if your automation has user specific triggering condition and make it  to fire based on action events on change of specific data. This is the only possibility.

      Babi Panjikar
      • EvanMartinez's avatar
        Quickbase Staff
        Hi Mike,

        Does your Automation make use of any fields that aren't editable by that role or that isn't on that roles version of the form? For example if it fires and requires a field to be changed but that field doesn't appear to certain users those users wouldn't be able to trigger cause they never change that field. That can also be true for fields that might be getting changed by a form rule but are included in an Automation as part of the trigger.

        Evan Martinez
        Community Marketing Manager
        Quick Base