Forum Discussion
Not that I know of specifically with the 'goal line'. Gauges support a dynamic target but not bar charts unfortunately. If your intent is to show gap between the chart and the target - you might consider a stacked bar chart, where y-axis value 1 is your current value and y-axis value 2 is the 'remainder' to your summary target.
So if you were tracking spend versus budget - you would summarize total spend as your primary y-axis then have another field for 'remaining spend' as just budget - spend and have that field be the second y-axis. This way the secondary color/data point displays how much you have left to spend in this example. You could go further as well in this format and have a third y-axis if you wanted to show 'overage' against the target, so you'd have a third value that shows how much over the budget you might be in a different color to visually see it when it crosses your dynamic threshold.
Chayce Duncan
- MarkShnier__You2 years ago
Qrew Legend
If you use a Line chart type instead of a bar chart then you can have multiple lines. Then you might be able to contrive to have line which is horizontal as a goal line,
Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
------------------------------- ChayceDuncan2 years agoQrew Captain
Similar to Mark's suggestion you could do a 'line and bar' chart, combine the best of both worlds where the line chart is your target, bar is the summary.
Chayce Duncan
------------------------------- MarkShnier__You2 years ago
Qrew Legend
I think that the problem with the Line and bar chart is that the scale is different for the lines and the bars..... one is on the right and the other is on the left and they will be scaled differently..
Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)